Thursday, May 26, 2005

10 things worth having!

Since i'm always up and about, i found stuff that has made things a little easier for me and my precious angel.
10. Pacifier & Pacifier holder - some may say don't give a pacifier but when ur out and ur trying to make milk and he's juz bawling then i say..juz do it.The holder or chain is a big help juz clip it to ur baby's clothes. You don't want it falling then u'll have to keep washing it!

9. Bouncer - this can be a huge help when ur doing the dishes..those things will keep him amused. Andrew's getting sick of it though but it still helps even though its for a few minutes.
8. Bottle Sterilizer - I don't really advice someone to get this if you alot of bottles, this just save so much time if you need a quick steam for the bottles or if you're going out of town.

7. Graco LiteRider - as the name says it, ITS LIGHT!!..when you're in the mall or just trying to put the stroller in the car, its actually a challenge. This stroller is easy!!. I don't have to depend on my hubby to fold it.

6. Bath tub - If Andrew gets bigger, which will obviously happen then he won't be able to use it anymore. i'm glad i juz borrowed it. Its easy to give him a bath in his cute tub,it contours to his body and it also has a soft sponge for comfort. Oh yeah and it fits in almost any sink!

5. diaper depot - this just works for me. I love it, its mess free and i juz carry it to whatever room i'm in.
4. Swing - Andrew enjoys being in it and he usually falls asleep in it. Its a good time for me to get dinner ready when he's in it.
3. Baby Einstein's CD n DVDs - Andrew's amused by the colors and the music.They also say this makes your baby smarter. Hey! Whatever works.
2.Playtex Nurser - This is easy to use when ur out. You don't have to carry so many bottles.Just the drop ins and a couple of nipples.
1. Swaddler (SwaddleMe) - this is just a MUST!!..for some reason it makes any fussy baby quiet and he sleeps better at night. I love!! let me say it again LOVE this product.

Happy 4 months my baby boy!
Love u with all my Heart,
Your Mom.


  • At 1:48 AM, Blogger T said…

    hmm... now i can see where ur baby got his cute looks from!


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