Wednesday, June 22, 2005


The doctor finally gave me a an okay to feed solids to Andrew. I'm only allowed to try new foods every week. Usually they advice parents to introduce new food after 3-5 days but with Andrew's sensitivity to everything, i was advice to wait a week.
The first food i was told to give was single rice grain cereal with iron and zinc. The first few tries was funny,he kept spitting it out onto my face!

His Baptism was last Sunday. He looked so adorable in his white dress, people were coming up to us complimenting him,at the same time asking me whether his girl or a boy! HAHA!. I was so scared that he would just burst out crying duriing the whole thing. He was ok, he started mumbling in the middle that the priest made a joke that Andrew was praying then he fell asleep. The reception was almost a disaster, the AC wasn't working but the food was great, my mom did a good job in decorating place.

His Christening Dress...ain't it cute???

This was taken at the church with some of our friends..
His cake which we forgot to cut because there was so much food!
The food which was all gone by the end of the day!!
With Andrew's godma Anne.
With my mom and cousin.
This is with my godchild, Charmaine!! She's all grown up!(Ain't it obvious how tired i am?)


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