Thursday, September 15, 2005

teething time!!

Andrew's teething!!! He's been chewing on everything even on my hair! So i've destroyed a couple of teethers..i forget to take them out of the boiling water so most of the time it burst. I juz gave up and came up with another kind of teether..
The wash cloth teether.So far, its pretty good. The doctor said if he gets fussy at nite, i'm allowed to give him tylenol but i've held off..he's havin enough medication as it is.
About his healt..well he is doing much better..we went for a check up yesterday, and his oxygen percen it 100!! YAYY!! He's still coughin and has a little cold which could last up to 6 weeks..thats what doc said.
Flu season is back in full swing..i'm thinking of getting a shot.Hopefully, there's no more shortage for the vaccine but its still unknown.Last year there was a huge shortage..PJ couldn't get the vaccine but since i was pregnant at that time i was allowed to get it.Hospitals were having a draw on who could get the vaccine!! heheh
Anyways, thank you for all the well wishers..


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