Monday, October 24, 2005

its weird

Went over to my inlaw's yesterday and found the video of my labor. I haven't seen it so i brought it home and watched it..It was so weird. A family friend of ours was capturing it and she said.
"Well u'r still smiling which means you are far from pushing that baby out".
True enough even with the epidural i was still extremely uncomfartable and couldn't smile one bit!
I kept saying..i'm gonna push the baby out before OC starts which was 8pm.I started pushing around 6:45pm. Obviously it didn't happen i was still pushing at 9pm and my doctor came in looking unsatisfied with my progress and felt the baby and she said something which i couldn't get and suggested a c-section. That was the end of the video
Only pj got to see Andrew on the day he was born. Nobody except for 1 partner was allowed in the recovery room then i had to wait for my room to get ready..and it was past midnight when i finally got a room and i already sent everybody home since i was way too tired. I remember being in the room and Andrew was just crying...crying non-stop. The nurses were so nice and told me to get some rest and Andrew slept at the nursery..They let pj stay till bout 2:30 am and i dozed off. I was woken up every hour though coz i was having a fever.
An hour before visitors were allowed in pj came, he said he sneaked in when one of the nurses were not looking..made me feel so much better. I was super swollen though, i was put on antibiotic drips since i had fever after the operation. I had super great nurses who helped me recover. I pushed hard because of them..Even peeing was a big deal to the nurses.They were so happy when i went! I was truly a difficult process, the pain..the drips...juz walking was awful. I never really imagine the pain or the emotional baggage to bring a baby into this world.
I have to say i've got an unbelivable support system..they knew i needed help and they knew i needed time with my baby.
Anyways, here's a clip of baby andrew minutes after he was born.


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