Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Nanny Diaries

The movie is out next week, but the book's been out for awhile. Its a pretty hilarious book and its like reading something i've wrote!!

I was a nanny and things on the book seems so real..i did go through letters always starting with 'dear nanny or dear ms. sherina' hahaha. I get list of things to do and playdates with weird kids. I remember that there was this kid who can't even smell peanut butter or he'll break out in hives.. i get a heads up whenever he's coming i then scout for food with peanuts in it.

I think the weirdest of it all was the family my cousin worked for. My cousin was away so i helped them out in the mornings,..the mom is a stay at home mom..with 2 kids. Dad's an architect hence for the very modern house. So modern that the parents room is in the basement..away from the kids?!?..you walk around the house and there are notes stating what allergies the kids have... ALL CAPS..KIDS ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN.
I came in one morning and she was screaming and i looked at the youngest who was breaking out in hives...and guess what she gave the baby?? tylenol with penicillin...Did it ever occur to her to read the ingredients? The baby was teething and very cranky so mom gave her tylenol. In her many notes around the house are what kind of medication is allowed for the children and none of it had TYLENOL written on it.

Me and my cousin work in the rich part of town and yes there are perks..a new burberry jacket that well..just doesn't match her shoes which is now mine. Since i used to work for 3 families who are all friends, they still like to outbid each other with who gives me the best gifts.

December is usually the busiest..with parties,christmas cards..One letter reads 'dear ms. sherina, please put the the cards in envelope in time for the postman'..ok seems no problem and then you realize there are 2 boxes of christmas cards with no stamps..and you still have to pick up the kids from school. It gets bad when it starts snowing and you tell them i might have difficulty getting there...and they send the driver who gets stuck in the snow...still they won't rest then they send a taxi which cost them 3 times more the usual fair just to get me there so they can leave for their party which is only 5 blocks away but they still get a limo. I worked for 3 families so during that time, i get 7 kids screaming and jumping vying for my attention. hahah those were the days...i don't do it anymore. I don't think i have the patience anymore.

I can't really blame them for what they are and how they raise their children because they were raised that way. With a nanny to help them raise their kids.
I did go through alot and at times you feel like your a piece of shit..
but what kept me going was i paid for my college tuition. No one helped...no loans..just my ass kissing...and playing mom and dad.


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