Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My patience is running out.

I don't get it..Is it that difficult for you to make the bed in the morning? Or put the glass u used in the dishwasher including your coffee cup? Is it that tough to put the baby bottles in the kitchen? I'm not asking you to wash or fold the laundry..i'm asking for a little help. One less thing for me to do. Am i asking too much?
We talk about this and u said you'll help out more. You did! For a week! Now its back to all. I need consistency from you and i had it with excuses. No ones gonna pick up your slack except for me.
Please Lord, give me strength.

Monday, October 24, 2005

its weird

Went over to my inlaw's yesterday and found the video of my labor. I haven't seen it so i brought it home and watched it..It was so weird. A family friend of ours was capturing it and she said.
"Well u'r still smiling which means you are far from pushing that baby out".
True enough even with the epidural i was still extremely uncomfartable and couldn't smile one bit!
I kept saying..i'm gonna push the baby out before OC starts which was 8pm.I started pushing around 6:45pm. Obviously it didn't happen i was still pushing at 9pm and my doctor came in looking unsatisfied with my progress and felt the baby and she said something which i couldn't get and suggested a c-section. That was the end of the video
Only pj got to see Andrew on the day he was born. Nobody except for 1 partner was allowed in the recovery room then i had to wait for my room to get ready..and it was past midnight when i finally got a room and i already sent everybody home since i was way too tired. I remember being in the room and Andrew was just crying...crying non-stop. The nurses were so nice and told me to get some rest and Andrew slept at the nursery..They let pj stay till bout 2:30 am and i dozed off. I was woken up every hour though coz i was having a fever.
An hour before visitors were allowed in pj came, he said he sneaked in when one of the nurses were not looking..made me feel so much better. I was super swollen though, i was put on antibiotic drips since i had fever after the operation. I had super great nurses who helped me recover. I pushed hard because of them..Even peeing was a big deal to the nurses.They were so happy when i went! I was truly a difficult process, the pain..the drips...juz walking was awful. I never really imagine the pain or the emotional baggage to bring a baby into this world.
I have to say i've got an unbelivable support system..they knew i needed help and they knew i needed time with my baby.
Anyways, here's a clip of baby andrew minutes after he was born.

Friday, October 21, 2005

it can actually get any worse?

Family and friends have been telling that once andrew starts walking its not gonna get any easy. I'll always be chasing him around and he'll start getting on chairs and beds. Oh no, he's already always under somewhere or putting something in his mouth. Honestly, you can't leave him for a minute. Can't wait when he starts walking! hahaha

he loves crawling under the table.

I've spoken to the daycare/kinndergarten director where my mom teaches. My mom's not to happy because she doesn't like the infant care takers. There's infant A team and infant B team, apparently infant B team are not the best care takers...from what my mom we'll see. I might look else where then. I just like it there coz my mom's there and its a very cute place.
Halloween's coming..It's gonna be his first Trick or Treat...can't wait! Hopefully, we'll get a costume for him this weekend. I'll put the pics of the costume i like and whoever reads it feel free to tell me what you think! I'm still looking for a barney costume.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

today is the day when everything seems to go wrong. It seems like a bunch of other people are having that day too.
I woke up this morning to my son's scream..already not a good sign. Is he sick? Nope. Its just his grumpy day.
My hubby called..he too not having a good day. How can he ever get use to people screaming at him demanding to get their money back. His a debt collector for the navy.
My dad's having eye surgery today..hopefully everything goes well.
I hope tomorrows a better day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

my son's got a rep!

We had a pretty busy weekend. We attended pj's cousin's birthday, did some work at cyberstar..checked out how we're doing. I'm pretty happy with its finances.

So the party was fun, for the kids that is. I on the other hand was pretty busy looking out for my son who is now crawling super fast and standing. I got alot oh 'my gosh, he's a handful'!Yes, i know that...He's only 8 months and people are already taking notice how..hmm Energetic he is?? Andrew even took my niece's pacifier out of her mouth and she's a year old. The poor girl was bawling.
Another thing he did that caused alot of well laughter?!? A lady sat her food on the chair and andrew was able to stand up with the help of the chair ofcourse and grab the plate food, knocking everything off the chair..the other parent was suppose to be watching him when all that happened.
PS:COMMENT BOX IS WORKING..Changed the settings so any1 can place a need to email ya all.

thats Andrew grabbing my cousin's beer bottle.

Andrew and Keila

Monday, October 10, 2005


comment box not working again..thanx to every1 who brought it to my attention.
For the mean time...i'm too lazy to fix it.Email me with ur comments at

Will update soon...Love all of u.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Thank u so much for the needed advice on flying, i actually read each and every word of it. I'm still in doubt whether we should go..hopefully United Airlines have all the amenities u've mentioned so my stress level won't sky rocket while in flight.

How You Life Your Life

You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.
You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.
You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.
You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

10 things i love.

10. Pack 'n Play Play yard
We've got 2 play yards, one is at my in laws. I prefer this one because its so much more wider! Bigger space for him to crawl in. Now, they've made custom sheets for it..great for andrew's sensitive skin.

9. NiteGlo Humidifier
The thing that attracted this to me was the nite lite and that it was pretty big. The doctor said humidifiers add moisture to the room and helps every1 breathe better. So far so good, but the cleaning is the difficult part. Gotta clean it often or algae and bacteria grows. You can buy a liquid substance or a pill to stop that from happening.

8. Bissell 3594 Cleanview PowerTrak Deluxe Bagless Upright Vacuum
Finding those little vacuums here is not an easy task and since our whole place is carpeted i really needed sumthin that would work and clean.Trust me i've seen my fair share of vacuum cleaners.I like this one coz firstly its bagless. Those vacuum bags can cost and since i vacuum everyday it saves me quit alot. Then there's those hepa filters. The downside to it is the vacuums heavy..but hey if it does the work then i don't mind.

7. Diaper Genie
To be honest i held off on buying this item for awhile coz i didn't exactly wanted to pay that much for a plastic trash can but i've tried buying those scented trash bags then put the diapers in it before throwing. No matter what i did it still stank the room.So far, the room doesn't smell like poop anymore which means no more spraying lysol.

6. Amy Coe Diaper Bag.
I just bought this last week, i saw it at Target and it felt like the bag was calling me! Its juz the right size for me.

5. Micheal Buble's CD.
His dreamy voice helps me and andrew fall asleep.

4. Fun Bug/Fish 5 Pack Bib Set
If you know Andrew..this is definately worth it. I got it on sale so it was way cheaper then what it cost now. Its simply great for him and me coz its water don't have to keep wasting bibs.

3. Sounds 'N Lights Walker
Its not expensive well i didn't pay for me, it was my nieces but nevertheless it does the job. It keeps Andrew entertain and now he can chase me around!

2. Little Earthquakes
I just love this book. I've laughed and cried with this book.

1. DVR
No more video tape recorders! You can pause live TV.So if andrew throws a fit in the middle of oprah i just press pause or record.It'll stop when Oprah is done.Just look through the cable guide and record all the shows u want! Ain't that great? I'm so in love with this. So if i have a dilemna on what to watch i'll just record 2 shows at the same time slot and watch another show.U can program to record only new episodes on your fav show...i'm so inlove.hehehe

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

to travel or not to travel?

The hubby and i wanna travel to San Diego by plane with the baby ofcourse...

hmmm.....well there's alot to bring and alot to think about. I called the airlines to ask about bringing a baby on board and there's things to consider.

1. Bringing a carseat along
2. Buy a ticket for baby or make him seat on lap(if flight's not pack then u may put your baby on next seat but with carseat)
3. Time difference. California is 4 hours behind,which means his routine can be messed up.
4. Should we check in the stroller or not?
hehehe....i'll think about it once more..Is all that hassle worth taking for a nice vacation to disneyland or sea world?