Friday, July 29, 2005

can my day get any worse?

andrew and i are still sick! blah...we both still have the cold.He's much better then i am..i on the other hand have a terrible headache!! PJ was nice enough to miss work yesterday, he left work early today so he'll be home earlier. We're suppose to leave for atlantic city tomorrow...i'm trying my best to get some rest so i can feel way better.I've been stuffing myself with all sorts of medicines.
on top of all that, my dad had to go to the dentist and get his teeth pull out coz it was causing him so much pain...therefore he can't be at his shop and i can't find anyone to take over after 4pm...i feel like crap, not particularly sure if i can make it there especially with the weather...ok, so the heats its raining and there's been a lightning warning.Apparently, 4 kids who were out got struck by lightning. So, the thought of getting a cab and standing in the middle of the open sky isn't very appealing.
The good thing is, the cybercafe is next to my dad's store.My brother is at the cybercafe, so maybe he can handle the 2 stores???

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


now i've got the cold and feeling crappy...:(..hmmm now how is andrew's cold going to go away when i have it too? Pj can't leave work because its a new job..well he says he'll try...
Ok, oh yeah correction to a previous post. I would never never abort a child. Yes, i agree its like killing a baby but thats my personal choice. I would have regretted and feel awfully guilty if i did have an abortion..don't think i can live with the guilt.
ok i shall go drink my thera flu and by with my little boy, we can both sniff together.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

its still hot..

*finally fixed the comment link, thanks elly*

andrew's feeling a wee bit better. He still has the cold but he's a little chirpier then yesterday.
Andrew's doctor is not really fond of giving him water, she keeps telling me that water has no nutrients, just give him a little but don't forget to give him his milk..
I found this coupon with $8 off his formula! heheh Boy, was i happy!! I realised that the grocery was giving it away by mail, so i started calling everyone i know who goes to that grocery store...its not only 8 bucks, the whole leaflet has 20 bucks worth of discount! I never really understood the joy of coupon cutting till now. I've just realised how much you can actually save. The same goes for diapers and wipes. Now, that he has started eating and drinking, i spend so much more. My mom keeps telling me to just boil carrots and pumpkin...ok sometimes i'm just too lazy to do that.
what else has been happening? Ok, our wedding anniversary is coming up, i think we're all going to atlantic city including my family and his...hehehe i have nothing to say about that...well actually i do. I'm pretty upset bout it coz i wanted to be just the 3 of us but his idea of the whole family is everyone. OH WELL...MEN!!! I'll see if he has something else planned.
ok...i shall go and boil carrots now!! hahaha!!

Monday, July 25, 2005

the heat is on!!

poor andrew's got a cold. Everyone's telling me its because of the heat which right now is considered as severe heat advisory, the weather guy is trying to explain that the dew point right now is very very bad.I really think we can feel it. The AC isd not doing such a great but atleast its very much cooler then the outside.
I have alot to do but andrew keeps crying, i'm guessing coz his nose is blocked. Luckily, i've got some baby vicks on hand. Right now, the vacuum cleaner is just laying in the hallway, the dishwashers open and i have yet to wash his bottles. I usually just drop everything when he starts crying....and then he begins crying again.

Friday, July 22, 2005

what's happening to the world...

its pretty depressing to wake up to news that there's a bomb attack somewhere and people's lives have been cherished. The attack yesterday in London was just a minor attack as they were saying on the news. Minor?? What do u mean by minor, its still an attack.
I went out yesterday, i took a cab at Pentagon station and was planning to take the train to the mall. Upon reaching there, i actually thought there was something going on. I was faced upon tons on army guys with big rifles, i wanted to take a pic but there was a huge sign saying i can't take pictures. I understood that wasn't allowed since it was at the pentagon where a plane crashed into the building. I thought that security was tight just at that place. I decided to take another cab ride to the mall. Same thing over there, you couldn't enter the mall without getting ur bags checked.
The queue to get into the mall was long and andrew was crying, so i did get special attention from the police..How nice? Then he told me to have a nice day and don't be scared just go about doing my daily routine.
What's happening to the world? My cousin called yesterday, his telling me that he's going to iraq. I was hysterical, when he joined the navy did he expect to be thrown into war? Well, no, he just wanted to travel the world and have great benefits. Now, his saying his goodbyes and if anything bad happens, i'm to help his wife and daughter through it. I told him he'll be fine and he'll be back in one piece. I THOUGHT THE WAR'S OVER?..i may be ignorant in what's happening to the world. I just don't understand why innocent people lives have to taken away.
I'm writing a journal for andrew, its hard to write down news that well, there are terrorists trying to get their point accross by killing others. Its difficult to ignore what's happening around the world when people i know are getting hurt or seeing first hand whats going on.

News Flash on TV, how to spot a terrorist.Honestly, does it work? I think u just have to be alert. For now, i'll be staying home with my baby boy.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


i was clearing out andrew's cabinet drawers since its falling apart! I guess since i've been stuffing as much clothes as i can, its finally giving up.
there were clothes that are brand new and never been used, now it can't fit!*sigh*...Even before he was born everyone told me not to buy him clothes coz he'll get tons. Sure enough he's always getting clothes, lucky for me i don't i've bought him more then 5 shirts ever since he was born. You know when moms are giving you gifts, they'll give you socks! hehe JUST WHAT I NEED! seriously, his socks juz keeps mysteriously baby is so loved , that i'm extremely grateful. I really thought its going to be such a financial burden since i'm not working but everyone's been so nice, i did a great job in choosing his godparents! hehehe. They're always offering him somethin' even buying his formula.I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
His drawers can be closed now, i'll be keeping the clothes for when i decide to have another baby or for someone who's gonna have a boy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


a friend of mine asked me last week if i regret keeping andrew. I was shocked that she said such a thing but she did have an abortion when she found out that she was pregnant and she said she has no regret of doing it.
That made me think. I admit, if i didn't have andrew i would be traveling more, being out and doing what i do best just laze around! Yes, its not the easiest thing in the world to raise a child! It would have spared me the grief of telling my parents their daughter is with child. So, would i have an abortion if i knew it would be this difficult?Ofcourse not. Eventhough i went through alot i wouldn't have given up the greatest joy in my life.
When we found out i was pregnant i was at my bf's house well now he's my hubby, we went out the nite before and i was throwing up everywhere at my bf's feet, my sis in law's hand and my friend's brand new shoes. I felt so sick that they practically carried me home coz i was so dizzy. My sis-in-law knew rite there that i was pregnant i ofcourse knew sumthin was up but was in denial. The next day at their house, he bought a pregnancy test. I didn't know what i was feeling. I was excited yet extremely scared, i could actually hear my heart pounding. His sis was excited so was his bro-in-law, they were trying to have a baby but juz couldn't so i was the next best thing.
My hand was shaking that i couldn't read the instructions, since it was a digital read out the stick would show PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT. After peeing on the stick, i was sweating profusely. PJ said after peeing i would get out of the bathroom and he would wait for the results.I just had to know so i stood there for minute then came the PREGNANT word. Ok, so now i was waiting for the NOT to show up and i guess it didn't.
I came out shaking and went straight in the bedroom. PJ took the stick and showed it to his sis. She was happy but at the same time was scared for me. She went through the same thing and she knew how difficult it was. So in one year, the year i turned 21, i got chicken pox then got pregnant.
Then came the part where i had to tell my parents. Well, they told us to get married but have the abortion. Hmmm, for days i kept crying. I couldn't eat,sleep and i was haing constant cramps.Which wasn't good, doctors kept telling me to stay stress free.How am i suppose to do that when my parents are looking at me when i'm a total failure?
Thanks to my aunts and his family,they finally convinced them that its right to kill a baby.They finally gave in. Surprisingly enough they were always concerened bout my health eventhough they didn't show up in court when i got married.They did show up for the dinner though.
A week before i went into labour my dad had another heart was horrible,i knew i would go into labour soon and i kept praying and talking to the baby.Don't come out yet...i need to help my mom out..hehe.It worked.I delivered the day my dad was discharged.
Nowadays,my parents can't go a week without seeing andrew.Especially my dad,he loves this little boy.In the end we're all one big happy family!!

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I'm babysitting rite now. The kids are in bed and i finally finished my thank you cards! yayy!! A big accomplishment i might say. I got to sit down without being distracted by anyone or anything. All i have to do now is send it.
I juz called pj to check on andrew, so far so good. He's at my parents place right now since his family is on vacation..all the guys are home, my dad, my bro,my hubby and my baby atleast his got help but he forgot to feed andrew his dinner.My mom's at her school, they've got this parents-teacher conference thingy but she'll be home soon and pj can't wait..hehehe i don't know what his so nervous about when andrew's just doing fine.

passed by borders last night, heheh what a hilarious site! ADULTS in harry potter outfits..i didn't realise that the book is cheaper if u get it now. I went to target just now coz they were selling it for 16 bucks and andrew's formula was on sale! When i got to the books section, the shelf was EMPTY! not a book in sight but i saw one hiding in between some other books probably someone hiding it!! TOO BAD, I SAW IT!...Andrew's formula was on sale!! woohoo!!.. there was only 2 cans left :( It was on sale for 20 when it really cost 26!. So i guess alot of babies are drinking soy milk too.

just started reading the book,it seems pretty dark and sad. Only on chapter 5 and already some surprises...oh well i didn't really expect to get hooked on the book, i didn't even want to watch the movie! Ah well i have to say now i'm a fan. I wouldn't have read it if it wasn;t for the kid i babysit for.She made me read it to her before bed and i just couldn't put it down.

ok, i shall continue reading the book now.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


the family i used to babysit for called me this morning asking whether i would like to babysit for them this saturday. They'd like me to bring andrew too. hmmm well i said yes. Hey $120 bucks is not bad,its a little extra cash for his formula and diapers. I'll be babysitting from 5:30pm to 1am. PJ gave me the wide eye look when i told him...I told him i don't think i'll be bringing Andrew along since one of the kid is a little hard to handle..hehehe.I'm not giving him a hard time or anything, it'll give him time to bond with his son..i really hope he does.
He says he's worried that he won't stop crying, well he'll eventually stop and fall asleep. Worse case scenario, he can bring him to me...i know we don't need the cash that bad, but babysitting for me is my escape, its mommy's time to relax. The kids have to be in bed by 8:30pm after that..its my time to just relax in their huge comfy lazy boy chair. How can i be the best that i can be when i'm tired all the time?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


*sigh* for some reason i feel more exhausted then usual. It seems that i keep doing the laundry but it still keep pilling up. I haven't been to the cafe for a week and i know i should. The room is in a horrible mess...should i hire someone to help me out even once a week? It just seems a waste of money seems i'm home. AAHHH LIFE!!?!?! I'll go get a nap while andrew's still sleeping.

Monday, July 11, 2005

weekend in new york..

we spent a weekend in ny with one of my bestest friend.NY is about a 5 hour drive from our place. I was supposed to go alone but my hubby was scared that what if andrew keeps crying and he can't console him. My hubby decided that we should all go, i was a little apprehensive bout going but decided that meeting my best bud whom i haven't seen in 5 years is worth it. The drive wasn't bad at all. Since we left really early, he was asleep most of the time, he'd cry a little but nothing to be panicked about. The hotel we stayed in was a little crappy but was very convenient to everywhere, just a few blocks you get to walk through central park, then further up u've got times square.
It was wonderful meeting Ratna after all these years, we may have been apart for so long but when we met up it felt like just yesterday when we did all that crappy stuff together!

We had lunch at Planet Hollywood then after that walked through times square, the place was unbelivably packed.It looks much better at nite then it does in the noon time! It was so difficult pushing Andrew through the crowd. So, if u have a baby and plan to go there, i'd advise you to bring a snuggli (which we left in the car)or just go in the evening. After all that walking, we walked some more, but this time we walked through central park. It definately looks better in the movies. We had dinner at a malaysian restaurant in chinatown. Another place which is utterly full of people. The food was good, better then all the malaysian/singapore restaurants they have here.

The next day, we did a little shopping here and there..had lunch at hooters. Andrew ofcourse was the crowd pleaser, all the hooter girls were passing him around which was good atleast i had to eat a proper meal. Then the sad part had to come, we had to say goodbye. We got some rest at Ratna's hotel room then went back home.*sigh* i wish we could have stayed longer, and spent more time together. Nevertheless, it was Andrew's first vacation and the best weekend so far. I love ya babe! Thank you so much for everything.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


since we changed insurance, we also had to change andrew's doctor. He had his check-up yesterday, the doctor said he's doing well, he's a bit above average then other 5 month babies and as usual i was given the speech on how to keep andrew's skin moisturize so it won't be so dry, and i do do that everytime! The doctor then recommended a steroid base cream with hydrocortisone (anti-itch cream). I'm a little hesitant to use it because of the side effects since i already bought it and can't return it,i'll probably use it once a day instead of the twice a day advised by the doctor.
So before going for the check-up i told pj i need the medical records for andrew's injections and ofcourse my hubby said no, they'll just call them. Well, that didn't happen.I had to call his previous doctor and since they were out for lunch we had to wait, then his previous doc said she needed me to go over and authorize it so his recent doc spoke to his previous doc because he needs to be immunized.The previous doc agreed to fax the records, we got the records but there was only 1 shot listed on his records when he already had 2 sets. WHAT A DAY?!?!? of the nurses said, since the 2nd and 3rd set of shots are the same just go ahead and give it to him, so thats what they did.
I hate it when he has to get shots, i feel like crying with him. He got 3 injections in 1 day. Doctor advised me to give him some meds when we get home coz he might be sore. He was fine till about 1am when he was whimpering and he felt warm.My poor baby.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

what a weekend!

it was the July 4th weekend. We went to watch the fireworks which was held at the monument in D.C. Andrew couldn't be the least bothered about the fireworks, he was more interested in sucking his thumb and looking at the people around him. We also had some fireworks at my in-laws.50 bucks worth of fireworks which wasn't as spectacular as the one we saw but it was great entertainment for the kids.

The day before we went to the national shrine of our lady lourdes. Its about 2 hours drive from our place.I'm glad Andrew only cried bout 10 minutes and it was the end of the trip. We had Sunday mass there and had the priest bless us. It was a nice outing with the family not only did we pray, went to a fruit farm and i tried blackberries for the first time, i've tried raspberries and hated it so i thought it would taste the same. Blackberries are sour but really good. Andrew tried to pluck some apples. Overall it was a pretty good july 4th weekend.

entrance to the grotto.

Andrew with Uncle Dan trying to pluck an apple.