Sunday, May 29, 2005

pass the breast milk please...

The one thing i regret the most was not being able to breastfeed. I did for about a month then i got lazy. Breastfeeding was not at all easy for me, i had to have a nurse massage my boobies and i had a lactation expert come teach me how to breast feed.As the expert would say, you don't have those feeding nipples which just brougt me to tears.She was so nice and reassured me i would be able to do it.

The first week was horrible, my boobs just hurt and Andrew wasn't so fond of my boobs that i had to use a breast pump to get the milk.
When i was finally starting to get the hang of it, i was back in the hospital.It was hard starting all over again but i had to try. It wasn't getting any better, i would try then give up then just pump. I was told to pump every two hours to get the milk flowing. I kept missing my 2 hour mark.I so regret doing that but atleast now i know!I'll do my best the second time around.
Thats another reason why my hips still looks huge.When ur breastfeeding its easier to loose weight and you have a very small chance of getting pregnant.
To all mom's to be...yes, you still won't be able to drink alcohol or eat sushi but its the best gift to give to your baby.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

10 things worth having!

Since i'm always up and about, i found stuff that has made things a little easier for me and my precious angel.
10. Pacifier & Pacifier holder - some may say don't give a pacifier but when ur out and ur trying to make milk and he's juz bawling then i say..juz do it.The holder or chain is a big help juz clip it to ur baby's clothes. You don't want it falling then u'll have to keep washing it!

9. Bouncer - this can be a huge help when ur doing the dishes..those things will keep him amused. Andrew's getting sick of it though but it still helps even though its for a few minutes.
8. Bottle Sterilizer - I don't really advice someone to get this if you alot of bottles, this just save so much time if you need a quick steam for the bottles or if you're going out of town.

7. Graco LiteRider - as the name says it, ITS LIGHT!!..when you're in the mall or just trying to put the stroller in the car, its actually a challenge. This stroller is easy!!. I don't have to depend on my hubby to fold it.

6. Bath tub - If Andrew gets bigger, which will obviously happen then he won't be able to use it anymore. i'm glad i juz borrowed it. Its easy to give him a bath in his cute tub,it contours to his body and it also has a soft sponge for comfort. Oh yeah and it fits in almost any sink!

5. diaper depot - this just works for me. I love it, its mess free and i juz carry it to whatever room i'm in.
4. Swing - Andrew enjoys being in it and he usually falls asleep in it. Its a good time for me to get dinner ready when he's in it.
3. Baby Einstein's CD n DVDs - Andrew's amused by the colors and the music.They also say this makes your baby smarter. Hey! Whatever works.
2.Playtex Nurser - This is easy to use when ur out. You don't have to carry so many bottles.Just the drop ins and a couple of nipples.
1. Swaddler (SwaddleMe) - this is just a MUST!!..for some reason it makes any fussy baby quiet and he sleeps better at night. I love!! let me say it again LOVE this product.

Happy 4 months my baby boy!
Love u with all my Heart,
Your Mom.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

never wake a sleeping baby!!

Ok, i understand that Andrew looks so cute when he's sleeping but that doesn't mean you've got to wake him up! I've told PJ countless of times...and when Andrew gets really cranky, i'm the one who has to calm the poor baby down. All baby's are different and my baby doesn't like to be woken up!

Was looking through old pics and came across some pregnancy pics of me! Not very amusing i must say, so i'll spare everyone and not show them. heheh. There was also my pee cup! Every check up u go too, u have to pee in the cup with ur name on it. They have to check for proteins and blood and all the other crap. I remember every morning before a check up i would pray before i pee that everything's alright!! hehehe. I even asked for the band where they put the fetal monitor thingy on my tummy. Since i was overdue i had to take a non-stress test to see whether the baby's doing fine. They'd give me this button to push everytime the baby move.
Andrew's getting heavier and heavier! hehe. He's such a cutie.His baptism is on June 19th so we're preparing for it. My cousins from the philippines bought the souveniers and his baptism dress. PJ hates it, he says it looks like a dress for a girl. We'll figure that out. Anne's doing the usual, she's such a sweetheart. I owe her bigtime. She already gave me a babyshower i'll never forget now she's planning the baptism!! WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU??? I promise when u have a baby i'll be right on it! :)

Monday, May 23, 2005

and the beat goes on..

*yawn*..its been a long weekend. PJ and I are opening an internet cafe, we've been spending our weekends painting and cleaning the place up. It hasn't been easy and boy, do we have our arguments. I'm not really business oriented, I'm not into the whole let's risk it and spend money. Its been his dream to own or have his own business so i'm gonna be a good wife and support him with this. We're finally done with the painting, now its cleaning the place up and installing the computers. I'm excited bout the place but at the same time i'm scared, we've invested quit alot of cash and had to give up our place to be able to do this. Actually, i know it we'll do great since i'm managing it!..HAHA!

Saturday was my brother's prom. They rented a limo and he got home the next day which made my parents a little nervous! i thought that was hilarious. He did spend alot of money on this prom..He had to rent a tux then there was the $1800 limo on top of that they had to give a 15% tip since the driver said it was mandatory. I just think that was BS.Ofcourse, there was the dinner at an expensive restaurant, he said that a tradition. I can't wait till his cellphone bill comes and he'll be crying! hehehe

Saturday, May 21, 2005

i think i'm an addict.

I've been noticing that it seems that everyday i have a drink of redbull. If i don't have it at home i'll ask my husband to get it...i remember reading an article about a person drinking too much red bull that she couldn't function a day without it..thats bad. Redbull helps a little, it juz keeps me on the go. It could be psychological but i like the feeling. Dishes to do, clothes to be washed, diapers to be changed. I definately need sumthin that would keep my metabolism intact. Its still scary to be addicted to redbull. I shall make a vow not to drink it today.

On a lighter note! Andrew rolled over today without any help from me! He just had difficulty lifting his head, since he has a big head like his daddy! hehehe. I love you babe but u know its true.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

What Sleep?!?

Sleep has been difficult since i got pregnant. First, it was the waking up and peeing, now its the waking up and feeding.A friend of mine told me that some babies take up to 6 months before they sleep through the nite...which is a very scary thought.I may complain about my sleep but the truth is i wouldn't want anyone else to wake up and feed my baby.

Recently,Andrew's doctor changed his formula since he's been having this allergy on his neck. We've been to the dermatologist too, they've got no idea what's causing it. His allergy would disappear one day and the next day it'll be there.The doctor gave us tons of sample which was great but when we went to store we realised why the doctor gave us tons of sample.The biggest can is twice the price of a regular formula!! hehehe. We'll we're starting to realise the milk is not working so we're going back to the doctor.

He was laughing so much yesterday that i just had to take some pictures.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

My Poor Baby(the other one)..

Its PJ's last day on his job. I feel bad coz i know he loves his job. But eventhough he loves it, there's no job security, every week i hear someone's getting fired plus the benefits sucks. He pays so much for our insurance and we still don't get good coverage. With this new job, since its with the government,so the benefits are better.Now that he has a family of his own he has to start thinking about stuff like that.I told him i could go back to work but he doesn't really like the idea of someone else taking care of the baby, maybe when he's a little older.
My cousin who gave birth 6 months earlier then me is in town. Her baby girl is so adorable. I can't wait till Andrew's a little older then i too can teach him some tricks! Like go get mommy's shoes!

random page from my journal.
December 25,2004
Since my last check-up, the doctor said i could go into labour anytime soon since the baby's head is already down. That's why there's so much pressure on my pelvis. Anyway, todays Christmas!! We haven't opened any gifts yet.We'll wait for the kids to get up. While writing this ur moving uncontrallably in my tummy. My tummy is actually shaking . Your auntie saw my tummy move and she's asking you to do it again! heheh.Its probably getting a little tight in there since you're getting bigger. Not to big i hope.Tomorrow's the baby shower. Be good ok, so i don't have to sit down too much.I can't wait to see what our family and friends got for you.You're one lucky baby and you're not even out yet!.

Monday, May 16, 2005


Going out now is not as easy as before. Now, i've got to bring baby bottles,diapers and wipes. Forgetting the wipes is one of the worse thing that can happen! You depend on wipes for everything. Wiping your hands,spills and ofcourse wiping your baby's smelly butt when he poops! Its embarrasing when you're out and have to wash his butt in a public toilet...
We got this really nice and big diaper bag from the had loads of compartments,it also went along with my whole theme.The bag matched the swing and the play yard but seriously, who cares?.Have we used it? Yes, ofcourse bout twice.hahaha. Its juz so huge. Now i know i don't need such a huge bag, just a bag big enough for bottles,diapers,wipes,formula and some extra stuff for emergency..Now you understand why sometimes i'm just to lazy going out!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

almost 4 months being a mom....:) pregnancy/baby journal...finally ran out of pages.

a little recap on what's been happening in my life..

On January 27, 2005, i had a healthy baby boy weighing 7lbs 12 oz!!...i didn't get to push him out eventhough i tried for 3 literally felt like I was running a marathon all that huffing and puffing.

I had a c-section, which ofcourse was painful but it was done rather quickly. I was in the OR at 9pm and baby ANDREW JOHNNE CHANDIRAMANI CORDOVA came out at 9:22 pm.

My ordeal didn't end there..i was back in the hospital 2 weeks later with high fever. Stayed in the ER for about 12 hours before being wisk back into the OR...they found some left over placenta in my uterus which is causing my white blood cells to jump way high....its one of the hardest things i've ever been through..I was in tears i guess thats why they rushed to get me sedated. Its so hard to think that my 2 week baby's mom won't be able to take care of him. It was horrible, i just wanted to go home to my baby. I'm not telling this to anyone just to scare all those new mom's to be...I promise that having a baby is the most magical thing that can happen..I did suffer...ehem actually suffered alot!!..But you know what i would want another baby..even though i am quite traumatised by this whole thing..I wouldn't mind going through all that again just to have a precious little baby.:)

..almost 4 months being a mom..
Now he's starting to recognise feels amazing but at the same time its a little scary. Will i be able to leave him with someone else? And he is starting to get sick of his bouncer!! Oh no,that bouncer is my saviour...hehehe but we found a new way to entertain him..HIS STROLLER!! I'll put him in there while i'm doing housework and push him around if he starts to get fussy...i'm trying to find new ways to entertain him while i'm busy..he's got a swing..but he doesn't last long there.

...random page from my journal...
january 20,2005.
Today's my due date. Still no sign of you. Honestly, i'm tired hehehe. My ankles are non existant i can't walk anymore..Today is also the President Bush's inauguration. I have everyone i need to call on speed dial.The doctor, PJ and my aunt who is near by just incase i go into labour which i totally doubt because i haven't had any contractions for 2 days now, not even braxton hicks. I'm actually babysitting right now...a little extra cash before you come and i'll honestly miss these kids. I know its hard to believe since i always call them my little devils. But i've been a part of their lives since McLean was 2 and now he's 5!! ..can't wait to see you...:)